Det har været et begivenhedsrigt, men også dramatisk år for Miss Danmark organisationen. Den nykronede Miss Danmark 2018 - Louise Henriksen frasagde sig titlen, eftersom hun var ude af stand til at repræsentere Danmark til den internationale Miss World 2018 konkurrence, som blev afholdt i december 2018 i Kina. Derfor trådte Tara Jensen til, som ved den danske konkurrence placerede sig på 2. pladsen, og afløste den oprindelige vinder til den internationale finale.

Miss Danmark organisationen havde tiltro til, at Tara Jensen ville kunne løfte opgaven, men måtte uheldigvis allerede tidligt i forløbet erfare, at kandidaten desværre ikke ville overholde sin del af forpligtelsen, som hun med stor begejstring havde takket ja til. 
Det er første gang, at vi hos Miss Danmark oplever en regerende repræsentant ikke overholder forpligtelserne under sit år som regerende Miss Danmark. Det står specielt i stor kontrast til størstedelen af de tidligere titelholdere, som stadig er tilknyttet Miss Danmark, som en del af mentorholdet eller på anden vis.

Eftersom Tara Jensen har opført sig fuldstændigt i strid med de vilkår der gælder for Miss Danmark og Miss World, og dermed brudt såvel tillidsforhold som de forpligtelser hun i et sådant forløb skal overholde, har det desværre været nødvendigt at henvende sig til virksomhedens advokat og bede om at stævne Tara Jensen, med påstand om misligholdelse og groft krænkende handlinger imod konceptet samt misbrug af titel.

Vi vil derfor beklageligvis meddele at Tara Jensen er blevet frataget sin titel som Miss Danmark og Miss World Danmark, hvor hun allerede i januar 2019 blev bedt om at aflevere kronen. I den forbindelse vil vi benytte os af lejligheden til at advare potentielle sponsorer mod samarbejde med Tara Jensen, under reference til Miss Danmark organisationen og Miss Danmark samt Miss World Danmark titlen.

Top 30 finalister, som stiller op til den danske Miss Danmark konkurrence får nemlig adgang til en del økonomiske goder, ekstrem eksponering både i forhold til medier, modelhverv, tv, underholdningsbranchen og influenser marked. De får stillet makeupartister, stylister, coaches, fotografer, luksuriøse lokaler mm. til rådighed, får sponsoreret div. skønhedsbehandlinger, smykker, tøj, oplevelser mm. for samlet set et beløb på over 50.000 DKK. Når så mange unge piger er involveret og de samtidigt konkurrerer mod hinanden indbyrdes, bliver der naturligvis stillet krav til deltagerne via en erhvervs kontrakt, der er fuldt ud balanceret mellem såvel Miss Danmark deltagernes interesser og firmaet interesser.

Miss Danmark organisationen har fravalgt at indsætte en substitut for Tara Jensen, eftersom den internationale konkurrence er overstået og den nye Miss Danmark 2019 alligevel snart skal kåres. Siden titelfratagelsen har vinderen af Miss Danmark 2017 Amanda Petri varetaget alle funktionerne og skal derfor også overrække kronen til den nye vinder i 2019.

Vi glæder os til at komme videre i situationen, på trods af de PR-mæssige og økonomiske tab vi måtte lide under den kedelige hændelse.

Miss Danmark Team


It has been an eventful but also dramatic year for the Miss Denmark organization. The newly crowned Miss Denmark 2018 - Louise Henriksen resigned from the title because she was unable to represent Denmark at the Miss World 2018 contest, which was held in December 2018 in China. Therefore, Tara Jensen stepped in, who placed as 1st runner up at the National Final and replaced the original winner at the international final.

The Miss Denmark Organization was confident that Tara would be able to carry out the task, but unfortunately already had to learn early in the progress that the she unfortunately could not comply with her part of the commitment, which she had accepted with great enthusiasm.
It’s the first time that the Miss Denmark Organization experience that a reigning representative does not comply with the obligations during her year as Miss Denmark. It is especially in great contrast to the former Miss Denmark titleholders who are still involved with the Miss Denmark Organization as a part of our mentor team or in other ways.

Seeing that Tara Jensen has behaved completely against the conditions that apply to Miss Denmark and Miss World, and in that way has broken both trust and the obligations she has to comply with, it has unfortunately been necessary to approach the lawyer of the company and request that Tara Jensen gets summoned, with allegation of breach and extremely offensive actions against the concept and abuse of the title.

Therefore we unfortunately have to announce that Tara Jensen had been dethroned back in December 2018. In this connection we want to warn potential sponsors not to cooperate with Tara Jensen with reference to the Miss Denmark Organization and the Miss Denmark and Miss World Denmark titles.

The Top 30 finalists, who participate in the Miss Denmark contest, get access to a lot of financial benefits, extreme exposure in relation to media, model industry, television, the entertaining industry and the influencer market. They will be given the use of makeup artists, stylists, coaches, photographers, luxurious hotels etc. as well as they get various beauty treatments, jewelry, clothes, experiences etc. sponsored - for a total worth of over 50.000 DK KR. When so many young girls are involved and at the same time competing against each other, there will be made demands on the participants through a business contract that is fully balanced between the Miss Denmark contestants’ interests and the organization’s interests.

The Miss Denmark Organization has chosen not to point out a substitute for Tara Jensen, because the international competition is over and the new Miss Denmark 2019 will soon be elected. Since the dethroning Amanda Petri, who is the winner of Miss Denmark 2017, she has performed all functions and will therefore hand over the crown to the new winner of 2019.

We are looking forward to move on from this highly unpleasant situation in spite of the PR- and financial losses we had to suffer during this unfortunate incident.

Miss Denmark Team

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